Husch Blackwell Concept

The creative brief I received specified the need to demonstrate the unique value proposition of Episerver to our clients and refresh the website’s visual identity to convey a lighter and more contemporary aesthetic, thereby enhancing our design capabilities. Given the tight deadline, I was allocated only one and a half days to design two templates, including their mobile counterparts. As the lead designer, I collaborated closely with our Vice President of Design to obtain feedback and guidance. I utilized the existing website as a reference and wireframes to provide context on Episerver’s capabilities. 

Desktop & Mobile version of the homepage

To begin this project, I conducted thorough research and visited their existing website and social media channels to analyze their client service approach. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of their brand identity, I then developed a series of conceptual ideas.
After completing several rounds of sketching, I had a clear understanding of the project’s requirements. The next phase involved creating visual comps based on my rough sketch. I dedicated time to gathering inspiration and commenced working in Sketch (the design software, distinct from traditional paper sketching). I experimented with various design concepts before finalizing the layout. Subsequently, I sought feedback to refine my work.
And the final result...

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